воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I want to see How To Be so badly it actually hurts.

...... I donapos;t think iapos;ve been this desperate to see a movie since.....Twilight.... (not the best example of desperation since twilight hasnapos;t even come out yet, but i am desperate all the same.)It looks so good. Like the movie was made for me. Itapos;s about this guy going through a Quarter Life Crisis. Heapos;s British. Heapos;s played by Robert Pattinson. And Robert Pattinson has really nice hair in the movie. Itapos;s like they made it with me in mind. I feel rather ridiculous about writing a livejournal entry about this, but Iapos;ve been dying to talk to someone about it for hours, and since itapos;s going on 3 am, my options are rather slim.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve been meaning to post my thoughts on SciFi Channelapos;s new series Sanctuary starring Amanda Tapping. Unfortunately, due to a hectic couple of weeks Iapos;ve not had time to rave on and on about how excited I am about this show. I was an avid fan of the web-series of the same name that spawned this TV version. Though, last nightapos;s episode "Folding Man" was a little flat. (bad pun intended) The premiere and last weekapos;s episode were brilliant.

All of the sets are computer generated and while I am generally adverse to the overuse of green screens, in this case I make an exception. The sets are believable, and rendered in a way that makes them believable. For the most part it does look like CGI and only a few of the creatures and none of the main characters are computer generated so I approve.

Amanda Tapping, is amazing as Dr. Helen Magnus, Creature Hunter/Creature protector. Helen is by far my favorite character on the show and isnapos;t Amanda Tapping oh so pretty with her dark hair?(not to mention the English accent?) However, Helenapos;s daughter Ashley is growing on me each week as she becomes less and less of an Emma Peel caricature. Okay so maybe the idea of an intelligent, witty, Bad Ass mother daughter duo appeals to me more than most, but the show has other interesting prospects as well.

A friend of mine said heapos;s Tivoapos;d the episodes, but has been reluctant to watch them. As a long time SG-1 fan, heapos;s worried he canapos;t get past Sam Carter. I told him not to worry. This character is far enough removed from Sam that you donapos;t even think about a Stargate.

Does anyone else on the flist watch this show? If not you should check it out at least once.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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It occurred to me sometime this morning that with no pressing deadlines, my writing time is my own and I should take advantage of it. Oh, yes, I SHOULD be working on the outline for the second novel, and yes, I SHOULD be cleaning up the rest of the first novel (just in case), but really, itapos;d be nice to do something different. Something fresh.

Thereapos;s two short story deadlines coming up, both are for the type of fantasy I havenapos;t written since Odyssey. All of the short story ideas Iapos;ve had since then have been SF-related, or simply just NOT the kind of story that might make it for these anthos. And because Iapos;ve been SO FOCUSED on the world of the novels, my brain is seriously lacking in the fresh ideas department.

So I browsed through my short story file and read what kind of dreck Iapos;d come up with. Some of them are full-blown stories that wonapos;t go anywhere (wait, one of them could, if I sat down and really played with it . . . Hmm . . . ) and the rest are half-baked ideas. However, while reading, I had to give myself credit once and a while for sentence well-played or actually poignantly written. Thereapos;s a possibility of merging two ideas into one to make one of these deadlines, and it might be fun to see what comes out of this.

Two deadlines. Two story possibilities. This means Iapos;ve just created more work for myself. Not sure this is a good thing or not. :) Weapos;ll see. I may or may not follow through, but if you want me to, you know what to do.

Thatapos;s right: more voodoo my way. ;)
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When i donapos;t get enough sleep, iapos;m always shocked at the outcomes. I stayed up late talking to kavita last night and didnapos;t get to bed unitl like one and woke up at five thirty to go to the barn. I was like falling asleep in the car, so i had to blast the enrique iglesias (donapos;t make fun.... It reminds me of summer) to stay awake. My ride was so/so. Very scary since it was in the dark. So then i went to school, sorta scared of the topic quiz in first period apush. I aced that thing (i think) and that put me in like a high for the rest of the day. All i wanted to do was smile at people and hold the door and listen to the rain and have good posture and stay relaxed. So i did. And i got my face covered in chocolate from trying to eat ice cream during lunch and it was alll good. That was my motto for the day: itapos;s all good. It was so nice and i donapos;t konw if i was tired so i didnapos;t focus in on life or having such little sleep made me more attentative or i donapos;t even know. Itapos;s crazy but it always happens

in seventh period, though, i died on the spanish test so that sorta ruined what has been left of the day.

allllll i wanna doooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo is love youuuuuuuuuu

i miss william:(

ps- to the special someone in my previous entry: i still love you.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I read with interest the story of Joe the Plumber who wants to buy the business where he works and is afraid of more taxes. Well boo-fuckinapos;-woo.

Listen, Joe and Jane and every other spoiled, fussy American voter with dreams that arenapos;t coming true - suck it. Who ever promised you all your dreams would come true? Your parents told you you can be anything you want? Thatapos;s a damned lie. Youapos;re not smart enough to be a teacher, and you donapos;t get math so you canapos;t be an engineer. You donapos;t have steady hands and youapos;re not very decisive, so a career as surgeon is out. Or maybe your back is bad so you canapos;t be an organic farmer. Too small to be a WWF competitor? Bad teeth? You canapos;t be an actor.

Itapos;s too bad that Joe might get disappointed because he canapos;t be his own boss but thatapos;s the way it goes. My dreams arenapos;t all coming true. Most people donapos;t get everything they want. So you need to get it straight and stop complaining about not having all just because you got a promise from your delusional, doting parents. They didnapos;t know what they were talking about.
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The run today was the longest so far. 7 miles and it started and ended at Barton Springs. Never really thought how far 7 miles until I ran it today. Trying to figure this nutrition plan while running thing. It is pretty hard to figure all this out but I keep trying different meals before I start and then I am trying out different tasting gels. Ran 7.75 miles for a time of 1:30 for pace of 9:25. Finished off the race by cooling off in Barton Springs, it was so refreshing

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